
Showing posts from October, 2017

Worrier to Warrior

W O R R Y. I have been a "worrier" for as long as I can remember. Even as a child, I worried about almost everything. I remember at the age of eight, I was so frightened at the thought of death that I would not sleep. My parents would give me Bible verses to read as an attempt to help me find peace. I was not saved at the time, so I didn't truly understand the comfort that those truths can bring. Death is part of our destiny, just the door that opens to our eternity, and I was able to get over that fear eventually as I realized this. Later on, I would find myself worried about other things. I talked about some of these in my last blog post. I worried about image, popularity, my future, and the things going on in this broken, lost world. All of these things would constantly consume my mind. I tend to be an over-thinker. I imagine all of the worst case scenarios in so many circumstances. After experiencing heartache, and going through very challenging times, I find myse...

Confidence in Christ

C O N F I D E N C E.  Since my freshman year, I have struggled with finding self confidence. I compare myself to those around me more than I should. I say that I'm just trying to be humble by not acknowledging what I have to love about myself. I really do strive to be humble, but what I have lived for the past few years is not only humility. I know my value, because Christ has made it clear to me. However, I still battle the enemy daily in finding the confidence to freely be who Christ has made me to be.  It isn't easy, especially in the world today. You want to look a certain way, fit in, and be/feel accepted. I have seen so many people do whatever it takes to make it "in" with a group, or be seen as "fit" to be friends with. Listen up-- the enemy is out to steal, kill, and destroy us (John 10:10). Satan loves to find our weaknesses and attack when we are at our lowest of lows. He constantly deceives us so that we believe the unrealistic expectations...