J-O-Y Down In My Heart
J O Y. The definition of joy is "a feeling of great pleasure and happiness." Joy that comes from the Lord, however, is not only happiness. Joy that comes from the Lord is so refreshing. It is genuine, and beautiful. God makes it very clear that joy is important. I mean, it's a Fruit of the Spirit and that's a big deal. The fruit of the spirit is not something people just have . It takes effort and growth to attain them. To be truthful, I have found that it is so much easier to dwell on the negative things in life rather than being positive. THIS is why I have to pray every single day that the Lord would give me the JOY that can only come from Him! Being negative is exhausting. Honestly. It may not take as much effort to be negative, but it will drain you spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. Instead of having a pessimistic view about everything that goes on, try praying and seeking to develop the fruit of joy in your life. Yes, everyone struggles throu...