The Desire to be on Fire
If we call ourselves Christ followers, there is no room for being lukewarm. That's a hard pill to swallow. When I think of Christ, I think of someone who is worthy of so much more than I could ever give. If this is true, I am slacking big time. Christ is worth all of my life, and more , yet I have the audacity to choose sin over Him. I choose to only give some of my time to Him instead of all of it. I choose to do more of what is convenient, than radically living for my Creator. I often find myself in a place that is lukewarm, when I should be on fire . When we are lukewarm, we are half-heartedly loving the One who willingly sacrificed Himself for our freedom. When we are lukewarm, we are saying that Christ is almost enough for us, but not quite. When we are lukewarm, we are not honoring Jesus in the way we should. When we are lukewarm, we aren't making Jesus our first priority. The bottom line is, as Christians, we shouldn't acc...