
Showing posts from January, 2020

A Recap of 2019: GROW

It's been quite awhile since I have published anything onto my blog, but I figured it was time to come back and share my heart, because I feel the Lord is prompting me to do so. This blog post is much different than any of my others, because it's a lot more personal, vulnerable, and a little scattered. I pray that the Lord makes Himself known in some way through this post as I pour my heart out and talk about my time away from Gracefully Broken. This is just a glimpse into my year of growth . In January of 2019, I prayed about what word I would pick for the year. I always ask the Lord to reveal to me an area of life that I could develop in, so I can become more like Him and further His Kingdom! After lots of prayer, I chose the word " grow " to be my theme for the year, having no idea what God was going to do with it. 2 Peter 3:18 was the verse that paired with my word of the year, which says "but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus ...


R E D E E M E D. for my birthday, I finally got the tattoo I’ve wanted for nearly two years. rather than writing an extremely long book explaining everything that this word means to me, I’ll just leave a few words + scripture here.  I deserve life in bondage to sin, guilt, + shame.  I deserve an eternity away from my Creator.  I deserve to be forsaken + left behind.  I deserve hell. But because of the goodness of my Savior + the relationship He made a way for when He went to Calvary,  I can live forgiven from sin. I am freed from guilt + shame.  I’ve been granted overwhelming grace so that I might one day stand before His throne, worshipping Him for all of eternity. I am pursued by Him, despite my sinful nature. I have been called daughter of the Most High King. I am His own. I am redeemed. For the rest of my days, I have this reminder engraved in my heart and, now, written on my arm. I am unashamed, and eager to sha...